
snug as too many bugs in a very crowded rug

Oh man… my stepdad is great. I told him I was moving in on the 29th, and he thought I meant Saturday. Nope. Tomorrow. He’s totally not ready for me to move in, and I am totally not ready to move out, but the movers are showing up any way. The good news is he found a place to live. A little cottage on the water and the rent is less than my rent here! Hooray!! So this weekend is going to consist of a whole bunch of stuff shuffling. But there are two rooms that are completely empty, and ready for me: my bedroom and the bathroom. What more do you need, huh?
You would not believe how much stuff you really have, until you try to put it into boxes. I was packing my bathroom, thinking – small room, not much stuff. Oh how wrong I was.
I have not had time to do any research for my NaNoWriMo project. I am glad that I have next week off as well, and more time to write, as I am going to take a little time to plan out some essential elements. Since it is a murder mystery. Other than that, I’m winging it, again. I figure one of three things will happen. One – it sucks ass. Two – it turns out ok, despite the seat of my pants writing technique. Three – it turns out to be more of an exercise in preparing for a mystery, than a mystery itself. That is to say, i will be working out a lot of details as I go along. At the end of the 50k, I might have prepared myself to THEN write a mystery. Who knows.
An important announcement about commenting. Kids, I am sick of spam. It makes me so angry. I don’t like to be angry. So here is what I am going to do. I am going to turn on registration needed. It works like this, if you have a type key ID, your comment will show up immediately. If you do not, you will have to wait for my approval. The benefit of a type key ID is that it is a single sign on for any MovableType blog that requires it. One user name, one password, all access. It’s private, and none of your information is sold to anyone. Go check it out, I encourage you to get one. I’ve already encountered a couple of blogs that require it. I will, however, hold off on this change until I have internet access at Casa Nueva de los Hodi. And I am pretty Jodi-on-the-spot about checking comments, so approval shouldn’t take too long. I wish there was a way to require approval only once, but I can’t find a way. Life is not perfect.
