
The kind of website I really should not have discovered at work:

Tha Shizzonator. I love translation websites. My favorite game used to be to write an email, use bablefish to translate it to french, and send it to my friend. Who would then have to translate it back. Just to see how messed up it got. I love that game.

Anyway, here is yesterday’s post after the shizzonator. I was cracking up out loud, all Dr. Stevil said was “there’s only one T in Scotland.”

Whatever!! I could play with this site all day long…. Courtesy of Drink More Jack

Maybe I’m being unfair da Scottish muthas n’ shit. ..

but I wuz driving in my hooptie an ad came on da radio fo’ some fancy guitar concert, know what I’m sayin’? Night of Guitars, I believe, know what I’m sayin’? With guitar masters from izzall over da world.” Including a Scottish Jazz Guitarist n’ shit. And I thought myself, ” Scottish Jazz Guitarist? That just does not compute, know what I’m sayin’? ” Jazz, know what I’m sayin’? …. Scottland, know what I’m sayin’? …. kilts n’ shit. .. bluegrass maybe, but jazz? I can’t picture someone discussing jazz wit a scottish brogue n’ shit. Oh well, learn something new everyday.” Being part Scottish myself, I shouldn’t be doubting da vast amounts of culture ‘n talent of my muthas.

Speaking of Scottish muthas, Louise is leaving this week n’ shit. She is going crib fo’ ten days n’ shit. Home being, of course, Scottland, land of adorable accents n’ shit. Poor Louise will be one of many adorable accents, however n’ shit. No special treatment now should brizzle happen go a book signing. Non of her Scottish friends are going make her be like “squirrel” or “fury” over ‘n over delight in da way brizzle says her r’s. Unless of course they think brizzle’s gotten an American accent, in her time here, know what I’m sayin’? I bet they do, know what I’m sayin’? I bet they izzall be like, “Oh Louise, listen yo’ adorable American accent, yo’ ass are so cute! Just like Mary Poppins, yo’ ass are practically perfect in every way.” ”

I’ll miss her of course n’ shit. . I’ll probably walk around da office izzall sad, mumbling “squiddle, know what I’m sayin’? .. squiddle, know what I’m sayin’? .. squiddle” myself n’ shit.
