
Come on. Wiggle your nose, blink your eyes. Do your Samantha/Jeannie/alien thing.

Doncha hate it when you come home to find your house is not as clean as you thought it was, and you have company coming in from out of town tonight, but before you pick them up at the airport you have to go to your aunt’s candle party – want to more than have to – and so you don’t have much time to clean up but you are still stalling anyway? I know I do. At first, I came home to find a strange IM on my screen, and I didn’t recognize the screen name. So I told Fee that I would be unable to straighten up for her visit, because I needed to investigate this. Well, that only took like five seconds. It was Amy. But then we had to talk for a bit. I’ve been very chatty today, emails, chats, conversations and I even *gasp* made a phone call. One of the email conversations I was having mentioned porn, as all email conversations are wont to do. And I thought “hey… PORN! I wonder how Mr. Moon is doing.” So I called him up. Mrs. Moon has not been having fun with the second pregnancy, she’s been barfy all over the place. But he was happy to hear from me, and we chatted a bit. They won’t know for a few more weeks whether New Baby Moon is a girl or boy. Either way, I think that they should give it the middle name Blue. After all, Sophistry’s middle name is Crescent. If my last name was Moon, all my babies would have moon themed middle names. Crescent, Blue, Full, New, Harvest… Man on The… ummm… Blood… errrr…. Jupiter’s. Anyway, so, very chatty, yes. Back to stalling. After I was done telling Amy all about how Samantha on Bewitched really did wiggle her nose, it wasn’t special effects,* I decided to pretend I was too tired to clean, and climbed under the covers. But it’s not true. I’m not too tired. I just hate doing it. So now I’m blogging. I’m dying to tell you all about my morning dr. pepper rituals and my new edgars I’ve found since I moved into the house. [Edgars #15 and 16. Or as I like to think of them, Loud-Happy Edgar and Mumbling-Happy Edgar] I don’t know why, I could have told you about them months and months ago. But, oddly, I have a deep burning need to tell you today!! AAaaackk!!

Man, what a sucky host I am. I’m going to go take a shower before the candle party. At least I’ll be clean.

*this is true. The actress had a special little tick she used, it was actually her mouth moving back and forth. Therefore, it’s possible to learn how to do it. I told Amy it’s a life long dream of mine to be able to do it. She decided to write a paper on my progress. So far, no progress. But it’ll be genius when it’s done.
