6 thoughts on “Me…. attending a candle party…

  1. Most cadle parties are for the CandleLite candles. They rock. They melt completely and stink in a very pleasant way even when not lit.
    I would attend the party with you, but the other guests mught get offended by our hushed, uncontrollable laughter over the sorts of rude things we could imagine people doing with the candle snuffers, pillar candles and other items.

  2. Jodi says:

    these people were Party Lites. and they were pretty cool candles. i bought some tea lights that smell like pumpkin pie.
    but it’s so funny you should mention the laughter over the rude things. because the sales lady passed out these cards and you would read them and she would tell you what they meant. my card said “snip, snuff and hug” and i don’t know why, but i immediately started to giggle [in my head] because, to me, it sounded naughty. just imagine the hushed, uncontrollable laughter that would have caused us. come to think of it, a large part of my life is trying to control my laughter, because of the rude things i think about when people are talking.
    luckily, i was sitting next to my aunt vickie and we quiet laughing about all the ways i could explode the various candles.

  3. Vibrating exploding candles that clean the dirt in a vacuum with water! Wet dirt doesn’t fly you know… And Have you seen this wonderful line of cleaners… by the way… if you died right now, would you go to heaven?
    Gotta go; the Avon lady is here!!

  4. Jodi says:

    my acceptance into heaven is questionable. but none of my friends are going there anyway, so why would i want to.

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