
Somewhere in my wicked childhood, I must have done something good.

Those that know me, know I am not overly fond of the phone. Combination of my 1.37 years of phone tech support, combined with all the people calling me about my financial peccadilloes, I don’t know… I just don’t like them. They are intrusive and bothersome. The never ring when you want them to, you never know if you calling someone else at a bad time. You can ask, but they will just say “no.” We always do. When I was very young, I was afraid to call people I did not know, on the phone. I know I am not the only one who felt this way, Arifa tells me that her older sister used to make her call and order the pizza, just to watch her cry. Without the visual cues, you just don’t know what the other party is up to. Maybe they are making faces at the phone, to indicate how incredibly stupid you are. The way we used to do in tech support. [but that was completely justified] I got over it, obviously. And I know the phone was terribly terribly important to me in my teens. And twenties. But now, I’m just not big on the phone. I suppose it’s a good way to convey information quickly. So’s e-mail.

So imagine my delight to find that my phone is not working! When I dial out, it rings and rings and rings, but never connects with anything, or go to recording. No matter who I call. And, I have received no phone calls, at all, for three days. Socially speaking, not unusual for me. But this phone number has been in the family for 17+ years, it gets called whether it’s for me or not. My stepfather’s identity was stolen, so we still get calls for Donald D. Who does not exist. For the first two days, I thought people were just not home, and their answering machines were not working. [I was only trying to call two people] I didn’t think much of it. But today, I got suspicious. Oddly enough, my dsl IS working.

I don’t know what I did to deserve this gift, the sound of no phones ringing. Perhaps jupiter is moving into libra, I do not know. But until I can call the phone company from work, tomorrow, I guess I’m telephonically incommunicado! wheeee!

but you can always email me.
