
I find redesigning my blog very soothing.

And I needed an excuse to use my Shag font. And my favorite color. Plus, I got tired of all the white.

I’m still tweaking it. I have all the comment and archive pages to sort out.

Bravo everyone on your 50 word fictions. They are my favorite thing about Fridays, other than the fact of Friday itself. Being what it is. Traditionally.


6 thoughts on “I find redesigning my blog very soothing.

  1. Jodi says:

    well this is good to know. like i said, i have tweaking left to do. but it’s one of those things that i do it, and love it, and then 30 minutes later think… oooo, that might have been a mistake.
    what i like about it is the fact that i can change the colors to suite my mood or the season. which i always enjoyed doing to the old swinging girl layout. in fact, we were thisclose to being orange instead of green. but i’m sure that will pop up eventually.

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