50 Word Fictions

Failure errors, writer’s blank, and ice cream sammiches.

Some of you are receiving a failure error when you try to comment. Some of you are not. I just wanted to let you know, that I will look into this today. I’m not getting the error, so it’s wonky.

I’m still drawing a blank on the 50 word fiction, but the day is young. Friday is not over. Maybe it’s the theme. If the theme is causing you, too, to draw a blank, chuck it… write what you want, consider it a fill in the blank theme.

Meanwhile, until I fix things, here is a picture of me eating an ice cream sammich. Since I seem to be at a loss for words.



13 thoughts on “Failure errors, writer’s blank, and ice cream sammiches.

  1. Guillermo Notso says:

    Back popular demand, and baby, im just warming up.
    The cards fall on the table, the ocean, and floating on the surface. The matrix of the ranking showed the winner. His life boat sank. and with it went all the chips. All the money was drifting off. Robson Crusoe of cards. His man Friday smiling. Fiction or the future. Replacing these 52 with a tarot, we see the Hanged Man, and Friday is still grinning.

  2. Jodi, I’m one of those people who crept off…teaching at a TAG-kid camp blasted me for a whie…then a trip to Montana…now I’m back at my computer, and even though it’s after the 31st I hope you’ll forgive me. So here’s a story for you:
    The days stretched out like the zeroes on checks you get when youíre lucky enough to match Powerball by putting in your babyís birthday plus your dogís mating anniversary and you buy a hot car and a big house and a babysitter and you fly to Thailand because…you can.

  3. Jodi says:

    nyah, suzi, you’re ok, i was just being sad and … umm… sad.
    thanks, judes, it’s straight in that picture. which is rare, because it takes so freakin’ long.

  4. So, not that this is going to help you debug it, but I seem to be able to comment fine, but L can’t. What’s weird is we are using the same computer, same computer login, just different name/email/url when we comment.

  5. tufk1d says:

    not wanting to stir up issues of pride, he reluctantly obliged by taking the freshly rolled joint and inhaled most of it within three puffs. “i still got it!” he thought to himself as he walked down the street.
    50 paces later, his mind went blank. isn’t it sad that you have to pay to shut the damn thing off?!?

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