
Then and Now – Episode Six

Today’s Then and Now features Doris Day. Which is the epitome of swell, I think. This song is from Strictly Ballroom, which I’ve seen about 582 times. And each time it is as delightful as the first day I saw it.
Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps – Doris Day

I had no idea Cake sang this song as well. I have most of the Cake albums, except Fashion Nugget. I was discussing a song on this particular album with someone [Friend is a Four Letter Word] when I noticed it. I do love the Cake.
“Whooo-hooo!” I said. “Next week’s Then and Now… done and done!”
Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps – Cake


8 thoughts on “Then and Now – Episode Six

  1. And then there is the sort of then/now – Mari Wilson (whom I’d never heard of) also sang it as the theme song for the show “Coupling”. Not the US version, which totally flopped (and had Lindsay Price singing), but the UK version which I personally found incredibly funny. If you get BBC America I highly recommend checking it out, or you can get it/rent it on DVD from any respectable video shop.

  2. I’ve already sung the praises of Cake to you on a few occasions so I’ll refrain form doing it here. This is definitely one of my more favorite Then and Nows. Good work!

  3. i love Doris Day and i love Strictly Ballroom and this song is my favorite from the soundtrack. but i’ve never liked the Cake version. probably because i can’t dance to it and pretend i’m dancing with scott. 🙂

  4. zanie says:

    “Feel the rhythm. Don’t be-a scared.” By far the best line in the movie! I love Ya Ya.
    And Strictly Ballroom is one of my fave movies of all time!

  5. I like Cake, but Fashion Nugget is the only album/cd that I have. It has a great remake of “I Will Survive” on it. I didn’t know Doris Day had done “Perhaps”, though. I really liked her version. Thanks for posting it.

  6. river selkie says:

    my abso-favo cake song is ‘i will survive’…and yes, i know it is not really a ‘cake’ song. i like both versions of the then and now.

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