50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 20

Didn’t anyone notice that I failed to include the volume number last week? How come no one told me. Oh, I’ll fix that tomorrow. For once, I am not fudging with the date of this post, to make it appear on Friday. It really IS 1:38 am, and I just got home. And I was wracking my brains for a theme the entire drive home. And then I saw the beautiful sorta pretty much maybe full moon shining on the still waters of lake washington, and I said, there you go, that’s the theme. The moon. And then I said, i am not writing my story tonight, for I am going to bed. I will write my story tomorrow, when I am supposed to be working. Like a respectable blogger. And then I said, I’m only kidding, I would NEVER blog during my work day. Never! And then I told myself to quit while I nowhere near ahead.

So, yeah… the moon. Words from me later ….

goodnight, moon!


What Lies Below the Surface

The sun is showy, it’s a star and it knows it. Accept it’s heat or run away, those are your choices.

The moon shines down upon you, sinking into you, filling dark corners with cool reflection. It shows the depths. Giving you this is the only reward it needs.


7 thoughts on “50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 20

  1. After twenty some odd years of wedded “bliss”, Catherine couldn’t believe that she had been served divorce papers. Granted, some of the warning signs were there since their daughter left for college. She cried remembering the ceremony as they and the others were married en masse by Sun Yung Moon.

  2. ìOhÖIíve never seen anything so large and white in my entire life!î she gasped. ìItís so big and blindingly bright!î They kept walking, never taking their eyes from the gigantic moon before them.
    ìI wish that moron would pull his pants up before he causes an accident,î Her boyfriend muttered.
    (zanie’s on a roll today!)

  3. William says:

    “when white side is hot, the other sides is not…”
    Strange sentiment and hardly seemed apropreate but it was the first thing that came to mind when his doctor asked him about the moon, there was that and the excessive hair growth, which he decided to keep that to himself. The doctor had once confided to him a dream she had about the two of them lost in the woods… he was sure she was a were-wolf.

  4. ìLover’s Moon soars clear and bright, guiding true love through the night. Liar’s Moon lurks misty and gray, scheming to drive true love away,î chanting this kept my mind off the burning back pain.
    Nothing mends a broken heart like a good alibi, a full moon, and a sturdy shovel.

  5. The nurses looked worried as the full moon rose. For this was not any full moon, it was THE full moon. The Harvest Moon. The “guests” began to stir. A howl from within 3B pierced the night air. Meds had been increased, but the Harvest Moon was just too strong.

  6. The clouds’ shadows drifted on the ground, perfectly formed by the bright full moon. At the top of the fine arts building, I watched the falling snow covering the imperfections below: So clean, bright… perfect. I sat there wishing for the snow to cover me, the biggest imperfection of all.

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