
I wish there were more just like you

I’ve been having super vivid dreams the last few days. Not only vivid, but exciting and fun, as well. Weird, but never scary. One night I dreamt that I was walking from one house, to another, at night. And I had to walk through a bit of forrest to get there. The moon was full, but it was otherwise dark. My friend, Spanky, was in my dream, and he did not want me to walk alone, so he took my hand and walked with me, which I remember thinking was terribly sweet. I told him about the dream and then we had a fascinating chat about the subconscious. [forests or woods are supposed to symbolize the subconscious, and if you are lost in the dream, if may indicate a lack of clear direction. I was not, however lost.]

In last night’s dream, I went to a big BBQ picnic at a friends house, a labor day party. They had a really big house, lots of land, a pool, even a lake bordering their property. I thought it was just a party for friends, but then, soon, I noticed there were all these bands there. Including the bad that has been in heavy rotation for me lately: The Eels.

At work, I am listening to The Eels: Beautiful Freak. Every third time, I cleanse the palette with either the soundtrack to Whale Rider or the soundtrack to Twin Peaks, and then I am back for two more rounds of Beautiful Freak. Currently, at home and in the car, I am listening to a playlist I call "Matilda." [which I will probably explain tomorrow, when I do the Then and Now] This playlist features the title track from Beautiful Freak, which is a song I can just not get out of my head. I think it is probably one of the sweetest love songs I know. And I am ever so hopeful that it shows up in tonight’s dream as well.

The Eels: Beautiful Freak


5 thoughts on “I wish there were more just like you

  1. Vivid dreams are fun. I have read that going from houses or loooking at a new house means you want to change something in your life.

  2. I am imagining a county fair, with heavily tattooed midgets holding hands in a circle, dancing to the left and to the right. Pure white horses with whimsical feathered hats prance in synchronous beauty. Carnival tents form a perfect, colorful background, as a young man, respectable in his unique profession, is serenading you to the tune of Beautiful Freak.

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