
Happy Solstice and Stupd Cookies

I’m annoyed. I’m trying to upload a song for an audio post that is perfect for today. TODAY. It has to be today. But dial up is slow. I’m also annoyed because I have to make cookies for a cookie swap tomorrow at work, and I do NOT enjoy cooking.

Anyway, for those of you who are saddened by the shorter days, who start to worry on June 21st about the days getting shorter, you can shut up now. It’s all uphill from here. They days are just going to get longer and longer. I am not one of you. I get happier when the days get shorter. I do well in the dark. Like a mushroom. But Evildeb is one of you. She likes hot, sunny climes. Like …. HELL! I’m more of a moonlight girl. Not to say winter is my favorite season. That would be fall, followed closely by spring. Summer can kiss my air conditioned ass, because at least in winter, I can pile on the comforters and sleep all snuggly.

Still waiting for that song to upload…..

Opps… turns out you are supposed to grease the pan first. Can you grease a pan with butter? Because that’s all I’ve got that’s greasy. I’ve got plenty of sticky stuff, but not a lot of greasy. Butter it is! Oh, and about the vanlla… bad news about that, I’m afraid. While I have consumed these cookies before, I’ve never actually made them. Seemed simple enough. Ha! This does not bode well. I’m going to end up buying cookies I just know it.

So here is your song. It’s called “The Christians and the Pagans” by Dar Williams. My favorite part has always been when Jane explains to the kid what it means to be a pagan vs a christian. “You find magic in your God, and we find magic everywhere.” While I am not a pagan, I am a unitarian, and that’s always the way I’ve looked at the world.

The Christians and the Pagans – Dar Williams

Happy Solstice everyone!


Abandon all high speed hopes

DSL is still down. They have to send out a guy to “check the lines.” Of course, I have to be home when he does this, so it’s going to be a couple of days. Sorry no jodicam, but as soon as DSL is back, you should get some lovely footage of me playing the sims because my University Expansion Pack for OS X arrived yesterday!! Whooo-hooo! Thea, now a sophomore, made the dean’s list. She’s majoring in psychology. She’s moved out of her dorm and into a house with three other girls. I’m sure there will be pillow fights.

To make up for the lack of jodicam, which, I assure you, is FASCINATING when it is live, I give you a picture of my new, possibly lucky, monkey socks.


I find them delightful. You can fully appreciate them here because they have pink non-slip polka dots on the bottom [which many of my friends will tell you is a much needed safety precaution I’ve been without] and they make my feet do a little dance.


Greetings from the couch

Hey kids, today the dial up access officially pissed me off, which means I am getting better. My voice is back, now I just sound like a regular kid with a cold. I did do more than just read and lie here today, I did clean the kitchen an itty bitty bit. Did more stuff around the house. Although not much. I am predicting a banner day of productivity tomorrow, tho. I have a Then and Now Christmas post I want to do, but I won’t be able to do it with dial up. It would make me insane. So I might go to the library. I need to talk to a librarian anyway. I miss ’em. Haven’t been ’round to see them lately.

Additionally, the jodicam has been offline forever. Also a victim of dial up, although it wouldn’t do much good to be online, since I haven’t been in the office in days. I could have set up a couch cam, but the last few days were not pretty. No one needs to see that much phlegm.

Pru’s playing in the garbage, I gotta go…




Lost my voice

Hey kids… I’ve been sick the last couple of days. What’s more, I’ve lost my dsl connection. I just came into work at noon today, but I’m not sure that was the best idea. Anyway, that explains the silence. Now I’ll get back to the scads of emails I have to waiting for me. *cough*


Shock me shock me shock me with that deviant behavior.

So, tell me if this has ever happened to you. You are online, and you are trying to download some video of a sock puppet show you really miss, but can’t buy on dvd, because it’s owned by a greedy corporate conglomerate, and not the creators of the show, although they are trying to buy it back and when they do you will be more than happy to buy the dvd’s, all legal like… so, anyway, you download a little skit of this sock puppet show, and when it’s done, you click the QT file, which launches your browser and opens three tabbed pages, the first one on top is porn. And just when you are thinking, hey… I closed all my porn tabs, what’s up with that, the sound of a couple having screaming sex comes blaring out of your speaker, and startles you so much you fall out of your seat. It’s not the first porn page, the video has not started streaming, you close that tab. It’s not the 2nd page, nor the 3rd… it’s quicktime file you downloaded. That’s not a SOCK PUPPET!! You have been deceived. It’s a 20 porn trailer, but it’s not even good porn! Curses, foiled again.

No? Yeah, me neither.


Awww… this is one of those days that the pages of history teach us are best spent lying in bed.

Last week I had a baby cold. It never caused me to call in sick, but I did work from home one day. By the weekend I felt better. But then last night, I got the mommy [or daddy] cold… the grow-up cold. I was fine, and then an hour later I was feeling suspiciously borderline crappy, and an hour after that I was sick. I hate that. I feel bad because, while still feeling good, I was over at my cousin Kirsten’s house, playing with the baby. I was all over that baby. Blowing raspberries on him, pretending to eat his tummy, kissing his baby face, and the whole time, unbeknownst to me, I was incubating sick. I was borderline crappy driving home, and an hour after getting home, I was aware I have cold.
I’m bummed out! I hate being sick. And I really hope I didn’t get my cousin’phew sick!
Ok, I am posting a song for Chris, because it’s one of our favorite movies, Philadelphia Story, and I told him I would post it. I love this song. I think it’s very sweet.


It has been brought to my attention…

That the new blog design does not look as it should in firefox, and even less like it should on IE for Windows….. should I even care about that? Guh. It looks fabulous in Safari, let me tell you what. Anyway, it’s not a new blog design if it goes perfectly, is it.

Paco and I got a pizza for lunch, and now people are raiding it. That last piece of pizza is MINE and I am taking it home for my dinner. Must go defend my food!


There’s so much static electricity in this room, I pick up everything but boys and money.

It was a bad day at work. Bad, sad and a whole bunch of other morose adjectives. So I like to unwind by taking inane online quizes. Here is one, both The Man and I took this quiz and got the same result.


Your element is Electricity. Everyone loves having
you around because you’re simply so much fun,
you’re always the life of any party. You’re
very active and probably have trouble sitting
still for very long. You love being the center
of attention, becoming famous could be one of
your top goals in life. Your greatest fault is
that you hate to lose and will do anything to
avoid it, even using cheap tricks or straight
out cheating at times.

~Your Inner Element~ ((7 Results. Pictures have been added for each.))
brought to you by Quizilla

The thing is, I can sit still. I really can. Well, maybe I fidget a bit. It depends on what you mean by sitting still. I can remain in one location, for example – while reading, for hours at a time. But I probably fidget around a bit while doing so. Also, I will cheat like nobody’s business.
