
“I am not sorry when silence becomes singing”

I’m not much for poetry, really. My favorite poets, in no particular order, are Shel Silverstein, Dr. Seuss, and my husband. So when I come across a poem that moves me, it’s quite unusual. And wonderful. Which is probably the best way to enjoy poetry, even if it’s not often.

Yesterday, a poem grabbed me. Enough to make me think I might want to read more of this author. Here it is.

i am a little church(no great cathedral)
far from the splendor and squalor of hurrying cities
-i do not worry if briefer days grow briefest,
i am not sorry when sun and rain make april

my life is the life of the reaper and the sower;
my prayers are prayers of earth’s own clumsily striving
(finding and losing and laughing and crying)children
whose any sadness or joy is my grief or my gladness

around me surges a miracle of unceasing
birth and glory and death and resurrection:
over my sleeping self float flaming symbols
of hope,and i wake to a perfect patience of mountains

i am a little church(far from the frantic
world with its rapture and anguish)at peace with nature
-i do not worry if longer nights grow longest;
i am not sorry when silence becomes singing

winter by spring,i lift my diminutive spire to
merciful Him Whose only now is forever:
standing erect in the deathless truth of His presence
(welcoming humbly His light and proudly His darkness)


– e.e.cummings


Here are my New Year’s Resolutions

Ah New Year’s Day. A day in which to make all sorts of new promises to yourself. Neat.

I made five resolutions this year. They are as follows.

  • Live like we are broke because we are. (Better chance of becoming non-broke that way.)
  • Eat more fruit and drink more water.
  • Private
  • Start the year with clean towels. ( I made that one while the towels were in the dryer last night and I like to have something to check off.)
  • Update the books I read on my Goodreads shelf.

I figure: keep it simple. Towels? Check. Books updated? One read this year so far, two currently reading. Check.

Ok, I have a ton of UNOFFICIAL resolutions. But if you don’t keep those, it doesn’t count. Because they are UNOFFICIAL. duh.



Via Sizzle:

If I were a month I’d be October

If I were a day I’d be Friday

If I were a time of day I’d be evening

If I were a font I’d be Myriad Pro

If I were a sea animal I’d be an dolphin

If I were a direction I’d be North-West

If I were a piece of furniture I’d be a bookshelf

If I were a liquid I’d be Dr Pepper

If I were a gemstone I’d be an opal

If I were a tree I’d be an apple tree

If I were a tool I’d be sandpaper

If I were a flower I’d be a gerber daisy

If I were an element of weather i’d be a spring breeze

If I were a musical instrument I’d be a cello

If I were a color I’d be green

If I were an emotion I’d be surprise

If I were a fruit I’d be a grape

If I were a sound I’d be the sound of a sprinkler system

If I were an element I’d be xenon

If I were a car I’d be a hybrid

If I were a food I’d be cherry pie

If I were a place I’d be my bed

If I were a material I’d be cotton

If I were a taste I’d be cherry

If I were a scent I’d be cookies

If I were a body part I’d be a bellybutton

If I were a song I’d be When You Wish Upon A Star

If I were a bird I’d be a duck

If I were a gift I’d be non refundable

If I were a city I’d be Seattle

If I were a door I’d be fingerprinty glass

If I were a pair of shoes I’d be Keen’s

If I were a poem I’d be the one my friend Karyn wrote for me:

Roses are red
Butter is fatty
I love you
And your mom Pattie  

or maybe something from Shel Silverstein. I’m not that much into poetry.


Checking in

And so that was Christmas. How was yours? Mine was AWESOME! Home for the first xmas since 2006. It was a thing of wonder. I admit to being a bit worried about Wil. He’s not much for holidays. In my family, we are VERY MUCH for holidays. Especially Christmas. I think I’ve been warning him and preparing him for years for his first Christmas Eve get-together, aka: Stocking Madness. He did great! I think he really enjoyed it. Beer probably helped. And the fact that, for us, it was a smaller group. No orphans or close family friends, only people in the family.

I got some great Christmas presents, but for me the best present was just being there. No, really, I’m serious. Shut up. The biggest surprise present was a Wii from my mom and Bob. We were not expecting that! I also got the Biggest Loser game for the Wii. Now I am going to take advantage of the Boxing Week sales to pick up a Wii fit with board.

Additionally I got a Sony E-reader, all 6 Harry Potter movies in a box set of blu-ray and my “And then Buffy staked Edward. The End” t-shirt.

But Christmas is not about how much loot you got, it’s about how much sugary goodness you stuffed in your belly. It was a very Merry Christmas indeed. My pants are tight.


Merry Christmas, baby

Shhhhh…. It’s 1:30 in the Christmas morning. I’m waiting up for Santa. There are some things I want for 2010 and I need to discuss it with him. Like my perm res visa for one. It would also be nice if he could come down the chimeny with a big sack of jobs. I know a lot of people, including myself, who would like one.

2009 has been tough for a lot of people I love, so I’d like to ask him to deliver more joy and good luck and peace in the new year for everyone.

And I would a two bedroom apt with den, w/d and dw please.

Here’s to hoping you get everything you want for Christmas.


Happy American Thanksgiving

I specify because I have two now.

It’s a little early here. I didn’t sleep at all last night, I figured if I made until 5, and I was still awake, I’d get up. We are heading down to my mom’s this morning. I was hoping to leave by 8. I think I’ll have no problem making that goal. As long as I can get Wil up and going in time.

Here is a list of just some of the things I am grateful for:

  • I’m able to go home for Thanksgiving this year.
  • Someone else is cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Yay mom!
  • pie
  • The cheap gas and the prevalence of Dr Pepper available via soda fountain that I will be enjoying for the next 4 days.
  • Christmas decorations.
  • My husband’s passport, which allows him to travel with me.
  • The diet pepsi that is going to help me make it until I cross the border and have access to the afore mentioned Dr Pepper.
  • And of course friends and family… blah blah blah. Mooshy.

There is so much more. I could make a pretty long list because, for the most part, I am very thankful for my life.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you eat too much pie. I know I plan to.


Take me home I-5.

I wasn’t back in the states more than 20 minutes before I was asking myself why I left in the first place. Oh yeah, fell in love with a boy. Man, I sure do love it here. I haven’t even travelled across the bridge to Seattle proper yet. Been spending most of my time in the Woodinville – Bothell – Kirkland area. So gorgeous. All the evergreens mixed with fall foliage.

The one thing that would make it perfect is for a certain boy to be down here with me. And the kittens.

Going here helped.


I decided that the best way I could help my cousin Kirsten through this horrible time was to ease her spirit a bit. And make sure she has baby soft skin. So I am taking her to the naked lady spa on Tuesday. Where she has permission to cry all she wants to while she soaks in a hot pool for 45 minutes before someone spends another 45 minutes scrubbing the sadness and death off her. Even the sadness hiding in her butt crack. I don’t know, maybe that’s not what most people would do for a grieving widow. But it sounded appropriate to me.

Ok, yes, I get to go as well. But I might have some sadness hiding in my butt crack too.


Random Stuff

I’m just all about joining the blogging games now.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this, but several months ago, Pru quit using the litter box. She will pee on a puppy pee pad. And, when we are lucky, she poops there as well. My cat is toothless and voids her bowels wherever she wants. It’s like having an infant.

I sole this from Delmer. The Telegraph ran a poll, rating men of different nationalities on their skills as lovers. 

All the immigration hassle makes sense now, eh? Git it, I said “eh” because I live in Canada now. (Don’t worry, American men, it’s just a stupid poll. From Europe! It’s not your skills as a lover, but rather our foreign policies that are to blame.)

The author of the book I reviewed on Satan’s Bookclub, Frank Portman, linked to me, well, SBC, from his blog. I feel all warm and fuzzy.

I am thoroughly enjoying this season of House, as naturally I would. Has anyone checked out Modern Family? It’s hilarious.
