
Do unto others …

A lot of people were very excited after the election on November 4th. I was thrilled that Obama won. Honestly. Very happy. But I was unable to rejoice in that because Prop 8 passed. It ruined it for me. I find the fact that my country voted to take away civil rights from people extremely embarrassing. I hate that.
Anyway, lots of people have posted this, but it really does sum up my feelings and disbelief best, so I’m going to post it as well.


Day Four: And I Already Feel More Positive Because I had Oatmeal for Breakfast

And because Barak Obama will be the, what… 44th? President of the United States of America. Well done, America!

This morning I got up to read my blogs and was told to vote at least 97 times. Since I voted already, I was over being told what to do and figured the rest of you knew you should vote. Or you were Canadian. The only election results I watched were Indecision ’08, and therefore Jon Stewart told me that Obama would be my next president. I like that. I’m sorry I’m not one of those deep thinking reflective type bloggers. I spent the evening making chili while Wil played video games.

That’s all I have to say about that. Oh, one more thing, at this time, 10:02 PST, as it stands now, I am VERY disappointed in you, California. I don’t even know what to say… I hope I wake up in the morning and when all the numbers are in, you will have shown better sense. (Just to be clear, because the numbers are so close, I’m against Prop 8.) Ya’ll are going to make Ellen Degenres sad. Shame on you.

Anyhoo, since this is Wil’s day off, I haven’t done any writing yet, so I’d better git to it.


I’m supposed to be cleaning the kitchen

What Your Cute Monster Says About You

You are a very natural, real person. You’re comfortable with who you are – and your spirit truly shines through.
You are free of inhibitions and hang ups. Because of this freedom, you tend to be very creative.

Your inner demon is greed. You can’t help but lust after wealth and shiny objects.
People think you’re cute because you are so lively. Your natural glow makes you charming.
