

So I started playing Spore yesterday. I think I lost a good 7 or 8 hours to it. I’m just going to bullet point some thoughts because I am starving and there is no food in the house and I told Wil he could play Spore today when he gets home from work which is in 50 minutes so if I don’t get something out now, it won’t be out today.
Yesterday was a bit of a test game. Wil was sitting with me, and we were trying to figure out all the tricks. Next game I will probably kick more ass.

  • First, MAJOR props to coming out with the Mac version at the same time. On the same disc, in fact. I wish they would do this with Sim releases.
  • My peeps are called the Prubugs, and they are red with black zebra stripes. They are vegetarians. Which just goes to prove what the veggies say, if I had to kill my own meat, I probably wouldn’t eat it. What am I saying, I would totally lean to kill chickens. Maybe. I don’t know.
  • It’s just like Civilization but with Monsters. Well, not just like. But the premise is similar.
  • They have a new authentication process going on, so you need to have an internet connection at least every ten days or so, to re-authenticate. It also means that Wil can’t play it on his computer when I am not playing on mine. It’s not a matter of having the DVD in your drive anymore.
  • Like the Sims, it is occasionally painfully slow. Unplayable slow. Even with everything else on my computer turned off. That’s disappointing.
  • Like Civ, I am a friendly nation, for the most part. In tribal mode, I made friends with the Cyan, Brown, Lavender and Green tribes. But the Pinks pissed me off. I tried to be friends, but they wouldn’t have it. So I DESTROYED THEM.

Anyway, like I said, I’m starving, so I gotta hit the Safeway.


I have vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals.

I’ve joked a couple times, in Twitter, that playing tiny mahjong on my iPhone has ruined my eyes. That’s not exactly true. However, I am having a lot of trouble with my eyes.
Over the last few years, reading has become more and more difficult. I’m doing that thing where you hold things far away from you to try to read them. It’s easier to just read without my glasses, most of the time. Some fonts have become so difficult for me to read, I have stopped reading a couple of books because of it. The same thing on the computer, it’s becoming more and more difficult to sit in front of it. So much so that I end up taking off my glasses. Which means I get headaches all the time. At this point, it’s rare for me to sit at the computer for more than 30 minutes at a time. I have no problem with things like watching tv or driving. It’s all about text.
You know what this all means, don’t you? I’m getting old.
Last week I had an eye exam, and I now need “progressives.” Fancier than bi-focals they gradually, and invisibly, progress towards reading glasses at the bottom of the lens. I’m super excited. So excited. To have elderly eyeballs.
Glasses should be ready in about a week or so.


I may have given you the wrong impression

The other day, a day I can’t link to because I am on my iPhone, I might have given you the impression that I was not blogging the last week or so because I was working so hard on my redesign.
I haven’t been blogging because all I’ve been doing is watching Veronica Mars DVDs and playing with my iPhone. Not a lot of fodder in that.
On the upside, I’ve greatly improved my speed on one thumb typing and won several games of very tiny mahjong.


Just a small list… I could go on. And on.

For Meg Fowler, who is feeling broken.

Things I Love

Dr Pepper

Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse

gerber daisies

cherry pie

freshly laundered sheets

my iPhone

my cats

the laughs of babies

the smell of my new shampoo


Kermit the Frog

back to school clothes

back to school supplies

the back to school feeling of a clean slate

the dog whisperer


yoga pants from Lucy

my mom

the library

road trips

the san juan islands

movie posters

soft kleenix


my Keen’s shoes, all 3 pairs


my husband

blogging, even when I seem to ignore it

the sound of air conditioning

the sound of sprinklers

Grand Junction Colorado


getting stuff in the mail. not bills or flyers or such. real stuff from people I know.

OPI Double Decker Red nail polish

board games


Blogathon 2008

I knew it, I could tell yesterdays post was a bit cuter. I am in love with my new iPhone. Please pardon me if I send out extra tweets in the next couple of days while I’m out and about. I’ll get over it. Although… I do have unlimited evening and weekend minutes…. today is Saturday, right?

Please go visit Raul, at Hummingbird 604.com. He is participating in Blogathon 2008, in support of the BC Cancer Agency. He asked me to guest post and I was honored. No one has ever asked me to guest blog before. And after reading the AMAZING guest posts he received from other people, I can kinda understand why.
