
All that hate’s gonna burn you up, kid.

I want to be friends with this woman from New Jersey. Everyday, I get more and more concerned about the direction our country is going, and what damage could be done between now and Nov. 2004. I cannot allow myself to think that Bush will not be removed from office. I shudder to think. It really sends a chill through me. Seriously. He cannot be allowed another term.
If he wins, I envision a band of rebels… people who value free speech, separation of church and state, a woman’s right to choose what happens in her body… people who believe love is love, and any two humans of any mix of race, religion and gender should be allowed to get married. People who think the FCC is getting a little big for their britches, and want to take back the right to decide for themselves what they want to read, listen to, or watch. Pirate radio stations will sprout up. You’ll see an increase of ‘zines and websites about personal and political freedom. And we’ll all wear bandanas around our heads, and army fatigues. It’s going to be like Red Dawn!! YEAH!! And we’ll have our own secret codes and signals. And we’ll build an underground railroad with spoons, in order to smuggle out atheists and radio shock jocks to freedom. We’ll get some of that free land in Kansas, build a compound, and hide them there.
And as fun as all that sounds, I think it’s just best that we boot his scary ass out of office. I’m going to start getting nightmares soon, I just know it. It doesn’t matter, as it turns out, Neil Gaiman is the next president of the United States. and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Seriously. I couldn’t.


3 thoughts on “All that hate’s gonna burn you up, kid.

  1. Sarah says:

    Jodi, you are so my hero for tracking down interesting things like that. I’ll vote for Neil, any day. And, I love that letter…it should be spread to those of us who value our freedoms – so that we might spread it to those who want to trample them.

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