books, evildeb

It’s nothing but an encyclopedia of perversions

I found the most wonderful piece of software this morning, it’s called Bookpedia. And it’s a Cocoa ap made for OS X… it’s gorgeous, and easy to use, it looks just like iTunes. You can catalog your books, create wish lists, search the Library of Congress, add to your list by scanning bar codes, and keep track of books and to whom you’ve loaned them out. That’s a real problem for me. It’s lovely, and for all of you who have tons of books, are geeky enough to want to catalog them, but use Windows… I’m sorry. I’m sure there are tons of shareware titles that do just that for pc users. I just don’t know what they are. And the screenshot of the features shows American Gods in their library, which is just evidence to me that they are people with exceptional taste. I’ll have to purchase this fine piece of software. Ooo… and it’s made in Spain!
I’m listening to Evildeb talk to Microsoft Tech Support. It’s fun! I can hear give the details to a very confusing issue, over and over. And I know she wants to critique their phone support technique, I can just bet…. “No, you shouldn’t ask me that now… you should be asking me if anything has changed, on my system, since the last time it worked as expected!!!” The problem is, it’s not happening to her, she’s trying to find out if they’ve heard of it. They could just say “no.” and get off the phone. We call that a “punt” in support. But Evildeb says “he’s trying to do his JOB!”
Well done, MS support phone technician.


You stand on the brink of greatness. The world will open to you like an oyster. No… not like an oyster. The world will open to you like a magnificent vagina.

You know how you sometimes see certain images, and you say to yourself “my but that certainly is phallic!”? I had an experience like that this morning, here at work. But with a more feminine slant. There was an image on our intranet, a sort of internal design … and my first thought was to turn to Dr. Stevil and say, “Steve, what does that look like to you?” But then I realized… how would Dr. Stevil know what one of those looked like? [Dr. Stevil is gay, kids… in case that has not been made clear in the past.] However, Dr. Stevil said that his first thought, when he saw the design, was “wow… Georgia O’Keefe would be proud.” Once we became open about our feelings, re: the design on the front page of our internal website, Dr. Stevil, Evildeb and I enjoyed a prolonged gigglefest. Followed by a seriously inappropriate discussion.
And out of that discussion, Dr. Stevil told me this story. They now have, on his softball team, a GIRL!! I didn’t know they allowed girls on their team, but I guess they do. Anyway, they had a team fund raiser the other day, at some bar, and this girl donned a leather bustier and carried a paddle. She went around the bar and sold spankings! And she made $150!! BRILLIANT!! At a buck a spank, I’m guessing several people took more than one for the team. But that’s not the point… do you think I could wear a leather bustier and sell spankings in bars? That would be an awesome second job, doncha think? I wonder if it’s legal?
