
Darn yer riddles, ya saucy female! What d’ya mean?

On Neil Gaiman’s journal, he posted a link to riddleplanet.com Well, there goes my work ethic. How am I supposed to resist that? It’s a good thing I got a fair amount of work done this morning. Right now, I am working on this riddle: Twelve white ponies, on a red hill. We always move, but we always stand still. What are we? The hell if I know. Yet.
Today we get to have ice cream out in the courtyard. Because one year ago we launched some policy or procedure and now it’s been a year. So we get ice cream. Lovely how that works, huh? We traditionally have ice cream soirees out in the court yard in the summer time. But this one is for a select few, and it’s Cold Stone Creamery Ice Cream. And, right now, it’s all we are living for.
I hate it when I end a sentence in a preposition. phooey. Today’s title is actually a quote from some video game, but I couldn’t resist it. I’m saucy!
EDIT: the answer to the above riddle is in the comments section.
