
someone help me, I’m losing my mind!!

I’m totally stuck on this riddle.
yei h nwrt h is ide
tp ntease otefrtrdl

that’s all it says. No instruction.


14 thoughts on “someone help me, I’m losing my mind!!

  1. arifa says:

    maybe a substitution cipher? e is the most common letter in the english language, given a big enough sample. i and a are the only single-letter words. that’s usually enough to get it going.

  2. jodi says:

    i found a place online in which you can enter text to decode for simple off set codes. nothing. and the substitution thing didn’t work out either. i tried that first.
    someone on the riddleplanet forum gave me the clue “it’s very literal”
    i still don’t get it.

  3. arifa says:

    yeah – i tried those too… nothing. i’ll need to look at it some more later, but i am buried under lots of work. i am ready to throw my laptop at several people… and i can’t even pinpoint whom, exactly, which is making it worse. i am grumpy in the biggest way.

  4. arifa says:

    do you think it has something to do with “tease”? maybe like tease it out or some other lame phrase that includes that word? or strip tease or something? i have no idea how it could be either of those things, but that just stands out way too much.

  5. jodi says:

    on the riddle planet forum, someone put up an old thread about this question. it wasn’t there earlier. I found the hints I needed to finally answer it. And I can tell you this much, the word TEASE has nothing to do with it. That word is literally a tease.
    now i am stumped on riddle 15.

  6. jodi says:

    oh, ok. first of all, it is a letter scramble, of sorts. not a substitution code. so don’t bother trying to find out if H stands for “I” or “a”
    you ned to look at it differently. the first letter you need is T. the first letter of the second line. and then, think about how you paint a wall. starting from the bottom you move up, then down, then up, then down, and so on.

  7. Um………?? I get what you’re saying, Jodi, but I am still getting lost after the word “ten”…..???
    I feel so dumb right now. =(

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