
For Liloo, who is a Gemini

Being a Gemini “makes you an unreliable, roguish sociopath with a light finger and the attention span of a hyperactive mayfly.” Your toothpaste is “picked up from unguarded retail displays – you didn’t pay for it, so why should you give a damn about how it’s squeezed.” You have four favorite sins, two for each twin, because you are the “dilettante of depravity,” Vanity, Lust [because it’s fun], Envy, and Greed.
Extra bonus for you, Liloo, your bitch factor. The gemini bitch factor is A++, you are the zodiac’s Bitch Queen.


For Romy, who is a Virgo

Well, Romy, you are a Virgo, and this means “you are a peevish, hypercritical anal-retentive, with an obsession for sterile perfectionism and a pedantic fetish for detail.” You don’t have tubes of toothpaste, you have “3 x 365 individual pre-wrapped disposable toothbrushes, each loaded with the precise amount of toothpaste needed for one cleaning.” Your favorite sin is “Vanity, the lighter side of Pride. And you do something clever with Gluttony, reversing it to make a homely little nameless sin of sucking all the joy, taste, and mouth feel out of food.”
Of course there is a ton more in the book. Each sign is a chapter.


For Becky, who is an Aries

Don’t piss Becky off!
“On the Darkside, this makes you a loud, overconfident, aggressive thug with way too many Y chromosomes and a will of titanium-clad granite.” As far as your toothpaste goes, “after a five minute rant in the bathroom, when you throw everything out the window looking for your tube of toothpaste, you finally find it in a laundry basket. You hammer it flat with your bare hands.” Your favorite sin is Wrath, or Anger, because you “get to do the shouting.” Although you might consider Greed as it “makes a useful indoor sin for the older arien whose form is slipping.”
