
Some places are like people: some shine and some don’t.

Start saving boxes for me, because I might be moving. The deal is this, I’ve offered to live in my old house, now owned solely by my step daddy, while he rents an apartment in the coastal town up north, which is the location of his new job. He was going to commute this year, while he finished up some work on the house, and then sell it and move up there next year. The commute is about 60-70 each way, I think it’s about a 150 miles per day. But he leases his car, and the amount of extra money he’d have to pay for mileage is ridiculous. So he mentioned to me that he was going to have to drive his older truck. But I had a better idea.
I told him that if he wanted to find an apartment or something up there, I would move into the house, but pay his rent on the apartment for the next year. He’d save money on gas and mileage, not to mention all that time he’d save. I’d get to move out of my stupid apartment, and into a house that I love. And he’d still have easy access to it for whatever it is he wants to do to it before he sells it. And storage rights. See? perfect. I didn’t think he’d take me up on it, he said he was going to think about it. But last week, he called me to ask me if i really wanted to do it, and I said, “hell yeah!” He’s going to be looking for places up north this week. I know I couldn’t count on it until it’s a done deal, but I am really excited and already planning how I am going to arrange the furniture. I love that house.
He wouldn’t have to even ask if I were serious, if he came home to my apartment every evening for a week. The other night I came home to a hallway smelling of green peppers [ I hate green peppers] and two safeway shopping carts. [Magically, these safeway shopping carts have mated, because when I left this morning, there were four of them. ] There was a new trike in the hallway, because that’s where the kid next door does the majority of his game playing. In the hallway. In my apartment, the air was hot and still, and faintly green peppery smelling.
The tricycle brings to mind a conversation with Mr. Moon. I was talking to him on the phone. And I mentioned that the kid next door was out on his big wheel, riding up and down the hallway while screaming. His reply?
“If he starts saying ‘redrum,’ get the hell out of there!!”
All work and no play make Jodi a dull… well, let’s face it… The chances of Jodi ever pulling off All Work are pretty remote.
