
The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.

Sometimes, after I read Neil Gaiman’s journal, I find myself in love with him for a good 30-45 minutes. I’ve always got a bit of a crush on him, that’s a constant. But there are times, certain posts, when I just want to run around and make everyone read it, so that they can look me in the eye and try to convince me they do not love him too. Now, I am sure there are several people who would not be overwhelmed with tender feelings after reading the journal. I am not sure I want to know them, but I imagine I do. But the people that get it… they are one of the Good Ones. It’s not a deal breaker to friendship, by any means. But it’s a fairly good litmus test of humor. Because it all boils down to humor. And today was the best kind… vocabulary humor.
The software company I work for creates a test for users of the software, to test their expertise. If they pass the test, they get to officially call themselves a Smarty Pants of said software, and can even put a little Smarty Pants of product logo on their resume or business card, should they so desire. When this test is created, I am one of the people who works on it. In the past, I have written questions. Lately, I usually tech review the questions, and then help weigh the scores. Assign a point value to the answers, some correct answers are worth more than others, you know. I think that’s what I do, at least. So I’ve never taken the Smarty Pants test, for my own product. Why would I? Oh, because they like it when you do, and they give you free product. And if you’ve got nothing better you can come up with, it makes a great Quarterly Goal. So… I’m taking the Smarty Pants test tomorrow morning, at a testing center. It’s multiple choice. And from working on the test myself, I know it’s very tricky and sneaky. It’s been a year since I’ve worked on it, so I don’t remember any questions or anything. I just remember the types of questions, and some of the stuff covered. Tricky and sneaky stuff. I’ve been studying for days, because it would be very embarrassing to fail the test. But quite possible, since I don’t actually use the software every day. I don’t always remember which setting is located under what menu. However, I am following all my old studying patterns. Which is to say, I am doing anything BUT studying. Doesn’t bode well… I don’t want to turn out to be a Dumb Ass. But I have an overwhelming urge to make long distance phones calls to all my out of state friends.
