
Overheard in meetings with people more important than I. Part One.

“Boy, I hope they ship with a high SPF factor, if they are blowing that kind of sunshine.”


4 thoughts on “Overheard in meetings with people more important than I. Part One.

  1. Thomas says:

    Better if you somehow work in that it would need to be a high SPF suppository due to the locale of where said sunshine would be blown.

  2. Thomas says:

    Perhaps I have inadvertantly juxstaposed “smoke” and “sunshine”, but I was under the impression that both were blown into the body via the anal sphinter to emphasise that someone was filling you with grand and glorious ideal outcomes, or a subterfuge respectively.

  3. jodi says:

    exactly. however the concern she was expressing, the person quoted above, was for the customer who would be the recipient of the sunshine blown by said product. the high spf factor would be needed by the user of said product, to protect themselves from the figurative sunshine, i.e. the subterfuge.

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