
Well, I’m glad I ain’t scared to be lazy.

Kam was here this weekend, visiting. It was a quick visit…only about 36 hours. But we packed in a bunch of stuff. I took Kam to the Apple Store, and she bought an iPod. She’d been thinking about it for a while, wanting one for a while, and she decided that this was the day she was going to do it. We walked in the store, and walked over to the iPod table, and her iPod purchasing experience was remarkably similar to mine.
Sales Person: Hi, can I help you find something?
Kam: I want to buy an iPod!!
Me: She wants to buy an iPod!!
Sales: Sure, just to let you know, the colored mini iPods are out of stock right now.
Kam: I don’t want a mini.
Me: She wants this one! the 40gb!
Kam: yeah… i want that one!!
Sales: Ok!
And she takes us over to the counter and rings us up. That’s it. All that excitement and anticipation, and it’s over in seconds. Do they not understand? You are there to finally buy your iPod!! It’s terribly exciting! But they are just friendly and helpful. They don’t feel the buzz. I don’t know, when I finally bought mine, I just would think… shouldn’t there have been a band. Or a parade. Or at least a bunch of Apple Store employees shaking my hand and welcoming me to the iPod club. Teaching me the secret iPod handshake? It’s ok, I was there to be excited with Kam. Plus, we had the added bonus of parking so that we entered and exited through the shoe department at Nordstroms. That’s just good planning.
We visited several of Kam’s favorite places to visit, when in Seattle. While at the East/West bookstore, I found a new tarot deck, I simply had to add to my collection. The Victoria Regina Tarot. Done with regency era woodcuts, I could not take my eyes off it. Especially the suit of wands. Instead of wands, they use fountain pens. I love all the suits, really. The Cups are Bell or Mason Jars, the Coins are pocket watches. And the swords are guns. I think my favorite Major Arcana card is the moon. The accompanying book seems very complete and the deck even came with it’s own velvet bag. Awwwww…..
Anyway, the best part of all was I finally got Kam to watch Buffy. We watched the first four episodes… the first disc of Season one. She says she will add Buffy to her netflix queue!! My work here is done.


4 thoughts on “Well, I’m glad I ain’t scared to be lazy.

  1. i have the londa tarot and the dragon tarot. i’ve only ever used the londa deck, and not recently. there are some great tarot designs out there. i’m not sure why i picked the londa, but i still like it.

  2. jodi says:

    “this means you have enough points for a mini-coffin pencil box! woohoo! keep up the good work!”
    oh thank you cult leader!! be sure to give me half the points for converting liloo and deb c. a couple of years ago. i need to split those points with arifa. we’ve both worked tirelessly on behalf of buffy.

  3. arifa says:

    i remember those days… we watched until our eyes were red and our lids drooped. people don’t know the meaning of hard work anymore. in my day, it took hours and hours of watching and scene finding… on VCRs no less! now you have these fancy schmancy DVDs. you whippersnappers don’t know what it was like.

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