
Happy 500th Post!!

Wow, isn’t that a milestone. 500 posts. To celebrate, my mt-bookqueue plug-in stopped working completely. I have no idea what changed, unless it was on’s web services side. I tried and tried to figure it out. I spent hours. Literally. I did. Hours. It drove me nuts. I was like a bulldog with a bone… or some other kind of tenacious animal with a really strong jaw and a lot of determination. Then I updated MovableType to the new 3.1 version. Yay! Fun. Looks great, but didn’t change my plug-in issues. I scoured the web, looking for another plug-in that would work with mt-amazon, and I could not find anything. Finally I decided, screw it, you know what? I’m going to rebuild my book page by hand. I won’t use any dumb plug-ins so I won’t have to worry about their dumb XML parsing errors. With the html tag shortcuts I can add to Ecto, it’s a snap. The only thing is, it’s going to take forever to rebuild that “what I’ve already read page.” 4.ev.R.
All I have to say is THANK YOU ECTO!! Because without that program, this rebuild would really suck ass.
So now I’ll get back to reading

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke
Look at that… done by hand! Lovely!
PS: I don’t know why, but right now I have to approve all comments before they publish. I thought I turned it off, but it still seems to be working that way. Sorry. I’ll try to figure that out. Later.
