
Harry, get me the laptop, the modem, the magnetic strip key that got us into this room… and a shower cap.

It has been suggested that those of us with laptops should take them home. In case of inclement weather tonight. So we can work from home, in necessary. But I have no faith in the inclement weather. After being so disappointed last Friday. Nonetheless, I will take my laptop home. Of course, if the entire site shuts down, it’s an automatic PTO day. A free PTO day. In which case, should I work from home? or should I hang out in my pajamas all day reading and eating doublestuff oreos?


I think I am going to weep…

oh.. the beauty. it’s too much….i want it so much, my heart is aching. You know, it’s stuff like this that renews your faith in mankind. It’s going to be ok, kids…. I see that now.

God bless you, Steve Jobs.

And so, it’s fairly obvious that….

You are a Geek Girl!

You’re competent, eccentric, and proud to be exactly who you are.
It also helps that you’re the smartest person you know.
Meeting a guy is not a challenge for you, as long as you’re willing to pull away from the computer.
There’s a ton of geek boys who are dying for a girl exactly like you.

What Kind of Girl Are You? Take This Quiz 🙂

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
