
Hi! I’m Mimi! If you ever need a friend, or want to talk… Well, too damn bad!

Recently, Evildeb and Lloyd shipped No. 1 Son, Almost Certainly Evil Jacob, off to college – on the other side of the state. When your offspring moves out of the house, things instantly become simpler. No matter which kid. There is less laundry, fewer dirty dishes, less demand for the 1 full bathroom the Evil’s have in their house, less demand for face to face attention. No conflict over the tv, no friends of the offspring hanging around. Evildeb spent about one day examining this and said, “No, no, NO! This will never do. Things are not complicated enough. It’s too quiet. I cannot take it! I must have a dog. ASAP!”

The problem is, Lloyd is allergic to all living beings. Feathered, finned, furred or pink skinned. If it breaths, it makes him itch and sneeze. But it’s difficult to say no to the Debil. “They” decided that they would foster a dog for a month, and see how Lloyd did. It would need to be a dog that is known for being less allergenic. Like a poodle. Evildeb found a dog named Mimi, who is half poodle and half brichon frise. [i have no idea how to spell bichon frise.] Eleven months old, she had been rescued from a shed, where she had been kept 24/7.

Half the month is gone, and so far Lloyd is doing ok. The dog is delightful. Friendly and playful, odd for a dog who was locked in a shed. So the deciding factor, in whether they keep Mimi, is Lloyd. I asked her what she would do if Lloyd said he couldn’t live with the allergies.

“He would have to prove it.”

“But you said that it is ultimately up to him. It’s his decision. But if he says no, he’ll have to prove it?”

“well… yes.”

Here are some pictures of Mimi, in the black skull and cross bones hoodie Evildeb got her. So far, Mimi is a great excuse for Deb to spend money. Click for larger images.

She really is a cute dog.


I thought, finally. A man who can make a woman feel like a girl. And who can make that girl feel like a slut. And who can make that slut feel like a woman.

From bookslut I have learned that The Morning News has launched The First Annual TMN Tournament of Books. Complete with bracketed breakdowns. It would be fun to read along, but since I am one girl, and they are many judges, I might have to wait until they narrow down the competition. Below is the list of books they are reading, grouped according to the first rounds. You can download a pdf of the bracket chart here. Also, this post on the bookslut blog, made me laugh out loud…. books for babies sounds like a fair trade to me.

The Plot Against America Philip Roth

The Bad Boy’s Wife Karen Shepard

The News From Paraguay Lily Tuck

The Inner Circle TC Boyle

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell Susanna Clarke

The Rope Eater Ben Jones

Heir to the Glimmering World Cynthia Ozick

Human Capital Stephen Amidon

Cloud Atlas David Mitchell

The Finishing School Muriel Spark

An Unfinished Season Ward Just

The Dew Breaker Edwidge Danticat

I Am Charlotte Simmons Tom Wolfe

Wake Up, Sir Jonathan Ames

Birds Without Wings Louis De Bernieres

Harbor Lorraine Adams

I do want to read I Am Charlotte Simmons. Someday. But the next book I want to read is Glimpses of the Devil : A Psychiatrist’s Personal Accounts of Possession, Exorcism, and Redemption. Come on… how am I supposed to resist that. It’s psychology AND satan. It would make a great book for Satan’s Bookclub. [which I am working on, btw. I just haven’t been happy with any design I’ve come up with.]
