evildeb, movies and tv

Bet you didn’t count on my loyal army of prostitutes.

I’m not a big fan of Ann Coulter, but I’ve never read any of her books, either. I’m basing this opinion on interviews I’ve seen, articles I’ve read, and the titles of her books. So whenever I find something that proves I am right in thinking she’s an idiot, it makes me feel happy. [from Wonkette] Along the same lines, I’m not a big fan of George W. Bush. I am not any kind of fan of his at all. So whenever I see something that proves I am right in thinking he’s an idiot, it makes me feel scared and angry. [also from Wonkette] Work to prevent the spread of AIDS worldwide or threaten the effectiveness of international AIDS organizations in order to propagandize your moral values to world that is made up of more than just Southern Baptists? It’s a conundrum, to be sure.

whew. That was serious. How ’bout that word “propagandize?” I put thought into that.

Oh, one more thing, I don’t watch the Oscars. I quit watching it after Titanic won for best picture. But I can’t really escape all the reports about it afterwards, usually on the radio. So, I can tell you that yes, Sean Penn does indeed sound like a dick, or maybe he just takes things too seriously. But what really got me is Hillary Swank. “I don’t know what I did in this life to deserve all this,” ….. “I’m just a girl from a trailer park who had a dream.” Doesn’t that make you want to slap her?

Evildeb and I have deep deep prejudices against Ms. Swank. We don’t like her. But we can hardly argue with the fact, after last night’s acceptance speech that she’s got Pluck. And probably Spirit, as well. Can’t get out of the trailer parks without having Pluck. Oh, and I believe you also need a “whole lotta heart.”

blah blah blah.
