
Wednesday is fish sticks. Green lime jello for dessert.

Fee is coming to visit me tomorrow, from Pasadena. We have a self imposed three day weekend of fun coming up. Not entirely sure which specific items of fun we are going to cover, from our list, except for one. Fee is a foodie and there will be Ba Me for lunch on Friday. A dish so beloved by those who visit me here, that we have a picture of it.


Those are Fee’s actual fingers holding a bowl of Ba Me, the last time she had some. Coming in a very close second is the Lime Leaf Thai Fajita Dish with the Little Bowls of Stuff. I don’t remember the real name. We also have a picture of that.


hang on… it’s called Mieng Kham, found the Kaosamai webpage.

The only reason I needed to show you pictures of food? Because I’m supposed to be cleaning house for her visit. Feh. This was more important.



Last night Tessa [aka: Smackastasia] broke up with her guy. It turned out that he was just not that into her. She’s doing fine, but she does have one critical step to take. She needs to come up with a rude or defamatory nickname for him, that rhymes with his name. It’s essential for the “letting go” phase. She is the one who gets to do this because he was the one who was just not that into her. That’s the way it works, thems are the rules. Unfortunately, his name does not rhyme with prick. So she consulted google, to find a euphemism for penis that would rhyme with “ack.” She ran across this. I was thrilled because I really did not have much to talk about today. So a website that provides you with every euphemism for the penis known to the English speaking world was a lifesaver of blog fodder.
