
Note to self…

do NOT try to podcast using the iSight mic, it will not work.

Today I ran into my oldest friend Julie, out on the intraweb. I was signed into an AIM ID I had not used for years, it was the only one she knew about, and she found me. Thank goodness. I met Julie when I moved from Grand Junction Colorado, to Tulsa Oklahoma. The day after my 13th birthday. Or, as I like to call it, “the worst day of my life so far at 13.” Except for Julie, of course. Union Jr. High was not a particularly welcoming place. And I was well known back in Colorado, had plenty of friends.

Julie and I have not been in touch for about 3 or so years. But at one point, she knew ALL my secrets. There are probably some new ones now, we’ll need to catch up. In high school, we used to talk on the phone all the time, we did our hated algebra homework on the phone, me putting her on hold while I went and asked my stepfather for help. We studied for tests on the phone, which is to say, we avoided studying tests on the phone. After high school, I left Oklahoma and she stayed. I used to write her long letters, full of absolute crap, not unlike what you read here every day. But longer! I was an excellent letter writer. Now she is married and has two kids, and I’m still emotionally the same age I was when I left Oklahoma.

Back then, there was one word I would say that would always make her laugh. It’s a perfectly ordinary word. I still, to this day, do not understand what is so funny about the way I say it. But I told her, I would record myself saying it and post it up here. Which proved to be more difficult than I anticipated. Audioblog hates this mp3 I managed to smash together with duct tape and spit. So we’ll do it the old fashion way. Oh, and for those of you who are experiencing my melodious voice for the first time, I swear, despite how it sounds, and despite my behavior, I am not 12 years old. i am an adult. Honest!

Click for sexy audioblog!

evildeb, work

I’m sort of surprised that reality turned out as real as it is.

In attempting to present another fun filled episode of “what’s on Jodi’s t-shirt today” I realized, looking at the shirt in iPhoto, that I had put my shirt on backwards. The graphic is such that it shows both on the outside and inside of the shirt. That made me laugh, for a while. I haven’t done that in almost a year.

Friday afternoon, Evildeb and I went to an off-site work party. We were only marginally invited. But our PSM really wanted us to go. I spent my drink tickets on Dr. Pepper, while Evildeb spent hers on wine. We did a little mingling, and ended up talking to someone in Program Management, about some recent staff changes at the executive level, a vp was leaving. He asked me what I thought about that, and I said “Ummm… yeah, he was pretty good,” I had no clue if he was any good or not, “he used lots of corporate speak and anacronyms.” Everyone started laughing. I didn’t think it was that funny. He did… use a lot of both. I looked around at the group, and knew that I had done something dumb.

Evildeb: You said “anacroynm.”

Jodi: I did? [still not hearing what I had done wrong.]

PM: that’s good ANAC-cronym. That’s a great word!

Jodi still laughing with everyone else: well, you know me!! hahahahaa!

Evildeb: did you mean acronym?

Jodi – ashamed and not at all drunk: yeah. I did.

I’ve always screwed up that word. I have the hardest time saying it. But I looked into it, it’s a real word. anacronym. Sort of. People use it to describe acronym’s that are so old, nobody remembers what they stand for anymore. Like SCSI and ASCII. [Except for me, maybe. SCSI=Small Computer System Interface and ASCII=American Standard Code for Information Interchange] So playing it cool was the smart thing to do. When I got back to work, I found a website that explained the meaning of Anacronym, although I don’t think it’s in the dictionary. I mailed it to Evildeb and my PSM. Who forwarded it to the PM. Who still thinks it’s a great word and is willing to suspend disbelief that I meant to say it.

Louise is still intent upon teaching me to knit. She is actually making me knitting needles and found a pattern that is just crazy enough to make me learn. Only so I can answer when people ask me the inevitable.

“what are you knitting, Jodi?”

“Vibrator cozies” I’ll say, sweetly.

Evildeb is not down with this plan.

Evildeb: why would you want to make those?

Jodi: come on! it’s genius! we’ll make vibrator cozies and sell them at I heart rummage! They’ll sell like hotcakes! Sexy hotcakes!

Evildeb: I don’t think you should make that. What do I need with that?

Jodi: Well, it sounds like you should go right out and fill it! You’re a healthy girl, surely you have something that runs on batteries.

Evildeb: make iPod covers.

Jodi: NO! you can come shopping with us when we go buy the floor model vibrator for our sales booth. Nobody likes a chilly sex toy. [which may or may not be true, actually.]
