
Satan loves April Fool’s Day

I move to another part of the building this weekend. That is, someone moves me. And if I don’t get my pack on, I’ll never make it out of here alive. Everyone else has made significant progress. So I am trying to work up the motivation to take all these empty water bottles and soda cans into central services and recycle them. It’s too much like cleaning.

Originally, it was my plan to have Satan’s Bookclub up by April 1st. Seemed like a good day. However, if I do that, two things will not be available. There is no way I will finish my book reviews by then. Louise and I were going to review “Down on Ponce” simultaneously. It’s not an easy book to find, so we thought we’d find another book for the bookclub aspect. However, if you are reading it, good for you. It’s an excellent book and hopefully you can help us recommend it. Then Louise and I were also going have one individual review ready to put up there. I don’t think Louise has even picked out her individual book. Do you see what I’m up against? When I say there is No Way I will finish a review by April first, I am exaggerating a bit. I know, it’s rare. I could probably do one for “Down on Ponce” by then, since I’ve read that book before. We’ll see.

The other thing that would not be available are the cute little buttons that I am trying to make, so you can pimp SBC gansta style if you want. On your site. Every little button I made turned out stupid. I hated them. Louise thought she might take a whack at some badges. I have not heard how her design attempts have worked out. Nonetheless, I’m thinking of going live anyway. Because we also want to post book type news items and such. And several have come up in the past few weeks that would have been excellent pieces.

So look for Satan’s bookclub on April 1st! Maybe. Or maybe not. Who knows. Not me, that’s for sure. Sometimes, I tell everyone that there is no way I can get something done, and then I turn around and get stuff down. I’m like that.
