books, pru

I only smile in the dark

still playing with the iTunes button in Ecto…

from the album “Girlfriend: the Superdeformed CD” by Matthew Sweet

Last night I couldn’t sleep. I slept from about midnight until 2:15 or 2:30 this morning. I tried everything I could to get back to sleep. I even downloaded software to retrieve a song from my iPod that, previously, had only been stored on my computer at work. [perfectly legal, I own the song.] That song? The sound of thunderstorms. Burned that a cd and played that in my room. [I lost my ear buds and the only headphones I have right now are big and bulky. Trying to sleep on your side, with these things on, would be like trying to sleep on a pop can. That’s why I had to burn a cd.] Nothing worked. So, eventually I gave up and I redesigned my blog site. As you can see. I’m not quite done with it, but it’s coming along. I got the vector file at, and then messed with it in Illustrator until I made it what I wanted. It was all oodles of fun, but I would rather have been sleeping.

Around 8 am, I had a bowl of cereal, and flopped on my bed, and OF COURSE fell asleep until noon. [I am just not meant to live in the daytime.] Well, it occurred to me, now I had to change my booklist blog page as well now. Oops. Guess I should of thought of that before I started messing around in the middle of the night. It all worked out fine, and I spent a great deal more time on this vector. This banner features Pru. The cat used to be white with orange spots. I tried to make it as Pru like as possible. With my limited skills. There is just no way I can adequately represent her überfluffy tummy. Not in a simple vector file. That kind of thing takes raster of multiple dpi’s.

One from the album “Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie” by Alanis Morissette

I figured some things out last night, while I listened to hour after hour of thunderstorms. I’ve been a little blue the last few days. Off my game, so to speak. And I couldn’t figure out why. It’s the stupid weather. It’s been so sunny. No clouds in the sky, no rain. In fact, Gov. Gregoire has declared a state of drought emergency here in Washington state. It hasn’t really rained in days and days. No wonder I’m out of whack. I’m only happy when it rains!! I’m feeling a sense of homesickness, but for weather. And tomorrow, I’m going to have to go to work and it’s going to be sunny! And everything is going to be so bright. It’s going to drive me nuts. I have a big deadline at the end of the week. I have lots of technical writing to do. Not my strong suit. The style is too dry. [Don’t worry, I’m heavily edited.] Do you think anyone would mind if i took my monitor, keyboard and laptop and worked in the parking garage? I wonder if there is wireless connection down there. Hmm…

Surrender from the album “The Greatest Hits” by Cheap Trick

Now this song reminds me… I used to tell my family that if I got married, I’d get married in vegas. [I still tell them that, actually. Because it’s true.] I also remember that I used to tell my friends that after the ceremony I would want to walk back down the aisle to Surrender by Cheap Trick. And this was in junior high or something…. so young and already a genius. Oh, and also, I loved Robin Zander.

Eric The Half A Bee from the album “Monty Python Sings” by Monty Python


4 thoughts on “I only smile in the dark

  1. Very talented indeed! Listen to you get all dpi on us…whatever the hell that means. I guess for those in Canada, it would be dp2.54c, but that just doesn’t have that pretty ring.
    dpi, dpi, oh dpi baby, dpi for life.

  2. Jodi says:

    dpi= dot’s per inch. it’s the resolution of an image. low dpi for on screen, high dpi needed for printing. i was being a computer graphics nerd. what’s more, i was also not really using it correctly. [vectors don’t even have dpi, silly! they are based on mathematics, not dots. sheesh.] basically, what i was saying was a drawing wouldn’t capture it, it would have to be a photo.

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