movies and tv


Or at least the best news this weekend.


That’s right, all caps and bold, baby! That’s how exciting this is. This is the official teaser poster. Click for larger image.

I learned this from River, and if you go to her site, she has a lot more news about it, as well as other comic book super hero movie news. I’m worried about casting. That is my biggest concern. If they are seriously thinking of Jessica Biel, I wouldn’t be happy with that….. well, I just have to have faith in Joss.


9 thoughts on “THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER!!!

  1. i have faith in joss for everything, BUT i worry that he might not have control of casting the star. maybe to get the project he had to compromise a bit. but i’m hoping he held out with joel silver (producer) so he could get that control and they finally let him have it. i’m glad he went for the wonder woman project instead of x-men 3.

  2. drinkjack, maybe it’s because she’s making a fist. i don’t think her hand looks masculine. she just doesn’t have a french manicure with long nails. heck, she fights for a living, sometimes long nails are just impractical. ww is not dainty, nor should she be.
    oh wow, jodi! in costume? that’s serious business! do you have it already or do you have to get one together?

  3. Jodi says:

    no. i don’t have one. i do, however, have a wonder woman tshirt i am particularly fond of. it features the cartoon network justice league wonder woman. a red square, green square and blue sqare of the same pose on a white shirt.

  4. i’ve got a ww ball cap. and lots of toys. i want a costume though…an authentic one. (and of course, underoos). but i’m a perfectionist. i see too many mediocre wanna-be versions of the costume. it’s just plain blasphemic innacurracy.

  5. Growing up in a household with three strong females (one mother, one sister-cum-surrogate mother and another sister-cum-torturer), I feel like I owe Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter specifically, for my raging heterosexuality.
    I will see the movie… Oh yes I will… And if you wear the costume, I will be enslaved to you as if you had your magic lasso around me…

  6. Jodi says:

    it would have to be a good costume, like river said. not a fakey one. i’m waiting to see what the new costume will look like. hopefully it has BOOTS. what’s a good super hero costume without the proper boots?
    on the other hand… i never wanted to be the kid at the movie in the costume of the characters. maybe i’ll just wear the costume around the house. and to work, naturally. and grocery shopping.

  7. jodi- that’s what i was thinking. it’s one thing to wear the costume around the house, to work, and grocery shoppping (which is totally appropriate)….it’s quite another to wear it to the movie. it’s kind of like wearing a band’s t-shirt to their concert. you just don’t do it.
    and i agree about the boots. RED boots!

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