
Yay me!

I finally finished my first book review over at Satan’s Bookclub. You wouldn’t think it would be so hard. I learned some lessons. Some hard, painful, life changing lessons.

  1. There is no shame in reviewing a book while intoxicated, as long as you spell check when you are done.
  2. Finish the book…. that’s right, the entire thing.
  3. If you are stuck, eat some deep friend potato foodstuffs. It helps.
  4. Trying to talk smack is not as easy as just talking smack.
  5. Take notes as you read the next book to review.
  6. Don’t read any books, articles or webpages about how to write a good book review, because they are crap.

If you’d like to be alerted when the next brilliant book review comes out, or the fabulous goings on in the bookclub itself, mosey on over to Satan’s Bookclub and sign up for the mail lists. What Jesus doesn’t know, won’t hurt him.


I went outside today…

and I have proof! This is Lake Sammamish. See all the pretty little daisy type flowers?

Well, here is my shoe, next to some of those daisy type flowers. Photographic evidence.

And, just for fun, here is a picture of the lake if I turned to my left.

Gorgeous! It was too much beauty! So overwhelming I had to go to Target and look at things under fluorescent lighting.
