Amelia, pru, work

All of the sudden I am sick

Like that. BAMF! I came home from work last night, and went into my room to kick my shoes off, I got a little too close to my bed and it sucked me in and under the covers. It has a tendency to do that. Pru was happy because she was looking for something warm and squishy to lie down upon, something into which she could hook her claws. All of the sudden I wake up, it’s 30 minutes later, and I am sick. Just like that. Sore throat, congestion, achey head… some stupid cold just came in and bit me.

I came into work today, but most people have requested I go home. Everyone stands well away from me. Except Amelia. Speaking of her… many people tell me that what the world needs now are bracelets that say W.W.A.D. That would be cool. I asked her what she would do in my situation, if she were sick:

“I think you should go over and lick the monkee’s phone receiver, when he’s away from his desk.”

