
Cookies in the future

Hey kids, I’ve been reading like mad. I have a bunch of books due back at the library, and I’m trying to keep my late fees under $10. seriously. I’ve had fines in the $100’s of dollars, before I turned stuff back in they were charging as lost. Audio book cd’s coast a fortune!

I still have one more day off. No, I’m not rubbing it in or anything. I’m just saying… I have one more day off. Earlier today I had a psychic premonition that I would want to make chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips and I was right! Good thing I bought that coco and those peanut butter chips. So I am going to go make those cookies now. Those of you who have to go back to work tomorrow, can go prepare yourself mentally. And I’ll see you tomorrow when I pretend I am going to clean up my office!


4 thoughts on “Cookies in the future

  1. I was late with Lamb, but it only cost me fifteen cents 🙂 I got CHANGE back from a quarter!
    Now I am off with peanut butter, chocolate cookies dancing in my head. Thanks a lot…

  2. Oooooh. Jodi, you made my insulin pump pant. It wants to work harder; the garbanzo-beans-and-salad regime just isn’t demanding enough for it. But chocolate-peanut-butter-chip-cookies? Now THAT’S worthy of some serious pumping. (For those of you with functioning pancreases [sp?], don’t worry–yours already went into insulin overload.)
    Tell us what you’ve been reading apart from LAMB (which I’ll begin this evening…I hope!).

  3. Jodi says:

    Well, I needed to finish “Rent Girl” by Michelle Tea and a book of short stories edited by Poppy Brite that is way over due. I also read “Haunted” by Kelly Armstrong, which was not a library book, but something I found on sat. at Barnes and Noble. I started two trashy novels which I tossed aside that can go back to the library as they are not worth my time. And I finished re-reading Lamb. I think that’s it. I finished “A Factory of Cunning” as well.

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