
Jodi keeps a long story quiet

I finally broke down and went over to the monkee cube and told him to keep his voice down. He was on a call, at the time, but was getting all riled up. So I pantomimed “Can you please lower your voice?” No response. He looked at me, with a fairly impertinent look, I might add. Nada. Perhaps he didn’t even know what it was I was trying to say. Maybe that look was confusion. But I think I shocked him enough to lower his voice. And now I am a hero. The high fives are coming fast and furious, kids.

It’s only temporary. In fact, the shock has already worn off. But I can’t hear him through my headphones right now, and that’s an improvement. That’s kind of my litmus test. Surely, if I can hear him with music playing in my ears, the person on the phone is suffering aural pain.

You want to shoot yourself? Go look at our weather for the next five days… sunny and 80’s!

Amelia: unnecessary.

Me: yeah, I don’t need to see a weather report..

Amelia: we already want to shoot ourselves!

Me: Amen, my brother!

Amelia and Jodi: *snicker*

Besides, it’s not even true. Saturday and Sunday look like they are going to be in the upper 60’s.


5 thoughts on “Jodi keeps a long story quiet

  1. Jodi says:

    today was perfect. sunny, breezy, upper 60’s. if we could just stay 72 and under i would be fine. i don’t like it when it gets close to 80. that’s too much.

  2. andy boy says:

    See, now if you caused him a little pain a wee while ago, a simple cross look from yourself would shut him up, you gotta nip these things in the bud.

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