
Saint Amelia of my Cubisi

Scientology is losing members to a newer religion – Fictionology. So sayth The Onion. And I believe every word they say because they are genius. Also, I believe because I want to live in a world of pretend, 24/7.

So who would be your patron saint?


8 thoughts on “Saint Amelia of my Cubisi

  1. Oh, I think my patron saint will be “Mighty Mouse of the Cheesy Planet”. Yeah, I want to save the day!
    I have heard that Scientology gets a little crazy towards the upper levels 😉

  2. i worship the holy goddesses of fictionology… buffy, veronica mars, lorelai gilmore, xena, wonder woman, princess leia, and nikita. one for every day of the week. i think i need ‘day undies’ with their photos and the name of the day. veronica-monday, xena-tuesday, buffy-wednesday, leia-thursday, nikita-friday, wonder woman-saturday, and lorelai-sunday.

  3. Jodi says:

    that sounds good, except, for me, i’m going to have to drop princess leia, to make room for catwoman. rraoww…

  4. andy boy says:

    Mine would be St. Dennis Leary for when I am talking to my boss this afternoon, but generally it would be ‘V’ from ‘V For Vendetta’.

  5. i think i need some of those goddess day undies too river selkie! those would kick ass! especially the nikita friday ones. 🙂
    and my patron saint? hmm… i think that’d have to be St. Snoopy, a true master of imagination.

  6. Kay says:

    I like the Patron Saint Days of the Week panties – so flexible because they wouldn’t have to be on set days, just changed into during appropriate times (and they almost all have relatively “mild-mannered by day” counterparts – so you could velcro more or less coverage when necessary):
    1. Cat Woman – def! But Julie Newmar’s version
    2. Nikita – def! But Anne Parillaud’s 1990 version
    3. Jaime Sommers – coz she is BIONIC (though I’m sure I’m showing my age here)
    4. Alabama Whitman – a.k.a. Patricia Arquette in True Romance
    5. Sabrina Duncan – a.k.a. Kate Jackson circa ’76 Charlie’s Angels (age revealed AGAIN)
    6. Buttercup of the Powerpuff Girls (even Patron Saints can throw tantrums)
    7. And even though there are some that bashed it and this would make it two angels as saints (you can do that, right?), I truly adored Cameron Diaz as Natalie Cook in the Charlie’s Angels movies.
    I think that’s mine though I know the minute I hit “post” many more will come up.
    The Patron Saints Days of the Month???

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