
Yay me!

I finally finished my first book review over at Satan’s Bookclub. You wouldn’t think it would be so hard. I learned some lessons. Some hard, painful, life changing lessons.

  1. There is no shame in reviewing a book while intoxicated, as long as you spell check when you are done.
  2. Finish the book…. that’s right, the entire thing.
  3. If you are stuck, eat some deep friend potato foodstuffs. It helps.
  4. Trying to talk smack is not as easy as just talking smack.
  5. Take notes as you read the next book to review.
  6. Don’t read any books, articles or webpages about how to write a good book review, because they are crap.

If you’d like to be alerted when the next brilliant book review comes out, or the fabulous goings on in the bookclub itself, mosey on over to Satan’s Bookclub and sign up for the mail lists. What Jesus doesn’t know, won’t hurt him.


8 thoughts on “Yay me!

  1. William says:

    Ive gotta a nikon camera…. If you took all the advise i ahve been given, the best piece i think ive heard was to never leave your house when drunk. Makes some domestic sense and leaves me in the want of lawyers less. Oh by the by the by, Jesus suffers from the same haunted head as i do, and yes, He knows!

  2. william says:

    It was either a haunted head, or a hollow head, or it was the other way around… To be certain, a complete reassessment is needed. Please send cash for the procedure. These types of under takenings require professional poll taking. Perhaps we should involve the folks at gallop?

  3. Jodi, I think the phrases “haunted head” or “hollow head” should be part of the 50-word fic this week. Yes? And bonus points for including Jesus.
    Writing while intoxicated? I’m issuing you a WWI.
    Wait…that doesn’t look quite right. AUTHORING while intoxicated. AWI. Citation to Jodi. Fine: a review done while under the influence of caffiene, and ONLY caffiene. Well, maybe plus sugar. And cream. But not Irish cream.

  4. I saw “Haunted Head.”
    Short on the story lines and the concept of a female ghost giving head to anyone that strolls in the abandoned mansion is a little freaky, but all the actresses really got into it.
    I give it a “three-quarters erect” rating.
    (Yes, this was fifty words.)

  5. Jodi says:

    i needed a new theme for this week’s 50 word fiction! yay! check THAT off the list.
    suzi, i was only writing under the influence of soda pop and french fries, to be honest. i’m just saying there is no SHAME in it. didn’t say i did it. still can’t find my vodka and kaluha … and i’m out of cream.

  6. Oh no, out of Kahlua! Emergency run to the liquor store! No, just kidding. I don’t actually drink much beyond that happy, healthy glass of red wine with dinner thing. And I haven’t yet reviewed while intoxicated. So I guess we’re both safe. But…reviewing while on FRENCH FRIES! That could get you arrested in certain parts of D.C.

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