I finally managed to hook up with my good friends The Moons yesterday. They’ve been MIA for several months. Well, missing in MY action. They’ve had plenty of their own action. They’ve moved back down to Tacoma. Bad for me. But Mr. Moon is still working in Seattle. Mrs. Moon is now on bed rest, due to her second pregnancy. Bed rest is difficult at best when you are a stay at home mom of a 20 month old kid. Despite the fact that the second soon to be born Moon is a girl, they are still not considering Jodi as a name. What is up with that? It’s a great name!
So I was thinking about the song “Hotel California” by the Eagles this morning. Remember that one line in which Don Henly says “So I called up the Captain, ‘Please bring me my wine,’ He said we haven’t had that spirit here since 1969.” Do you think by “spirit” he was referring to the wine itself? As in Wine and Spirits? Because I always thought he was commenting that they have not had that kind of spunk, that kind of party spirit, until Don got there. Not since 1969. Thirty odd years and I’ve always thought this. This morning it occurred to me that I could be wrong. Of course, later they mention pink champagne on ice, so maybe I was right all along, and the Captain was just stoked to have Don’s drinking spirit amongst the guests.
I don’t know… I was just thinking… what do you guys think?