
We need healthy young earth studs to repopulate our world – we need your love rocket!

Driving through Aberdeen, away from Ocean Shores and the Tsunami Danger Zone, Jack and I passed a blue shack, a store, with a handmade sign out front, It was advertising several things, but I only noticed two words, written extra large, underlined three times. “Pocket Rockets!” Something familiar about that…

Me: Pocket rockets?

Jack: They are small scooters or motorbikes.

Me: no they aren’t… the pocket rocket is a VIBRATOR!! Let’s turn around and go back. We can go in and ask to buy pocket rockets and when they show us stupid little motorcycles, we can say “No, that’s not what we want, we want the pocket rocket… you know THE VIBRATOR!! a pink one please!”

Later… still in Aberdeen, still within the Tsunami Danger Zone, we pass a billboard:

There are many reasons not to have sex.

What’s yours?

I guess they are taking up after those commercials that talk about your hobby being your anti-drug, but with sex instead. Somehow, it doesn’t work as well for abstinence. After much discussion, we can come up with only one really good reason not to have sex.

Because nobody wants to have it with you.

Hence the popularity of the pocket rocket, I believe.


Thank you Mr. Masked Man

Yay! So lot’s of people who like the Kate Bush. Let me ask you this, do you guys remember USA’s Nightflight show? It was on late late on Fridays and/or Saturdays. Started in the earlyish 80’s to the latetish 80’s. Then it was replaced by “Up All Night.” Not the same thing and not nearly as good. Nightflight was where I first heard, and saw, Kate Bush. I also remember they had lots of crazy animation and shorts. I remember an animated Lenny Bruce thing… it was the coolest show. We need shows like that now. But we’d never get ’em.

A few people mentioned that Kate is supposed to be working on a new album. And I am very much looking forward to that.
