
Sometimes things that go away by themselves come back by themselves.

I want to thank all of you who sent comments and email with your thoughts for me and my family. It meant a lot to me. I called in weepy to work, but went in around lunchtime, because I thought it would be good to be productive. But you know, productive doesn’t always come easy. I feel better now, and though I didn’t really feel like blogging, earlier, I thought that Grandma would want me to. Actually, Grandma would just like me to wear something a little more feminine than the jeans I have on right now, that’s what Grandma would have wanted. They have a hole in the butt! I mean really, Jodi, can’t you dress like a lady for once?

Also, thank you to all who sent comments and email with your thoughts, and funny links, for me and my internet connection. It meant a lot to me. Apparently the secret to getting it back was waiting around. Seriously, I don’t know why it works now. It did not work this morning, it works now. When it wasn’t working this morning, on my mini or tower, it was still working on my powerbook. So… I don’t know… god hates me? It’s possible. I’ve been making plans for renewed focus on Satan’s Bookclub. And let’s not even go into what I was doing when I lost the connection in the first place.


Ok, so, here, to honor the memory of Grace, my always stylish and fabulous paternal grandmother, I give you a sassy bathing suit shot of the two of us.

