books, evildeb, sims

It’s Harry Potter Day

Dr. Stevil: It’s Harry Potter day.

Me: I know. I never pre-ordered it.

Dr. Stevil: and that surprises me

Me: I was doing other things… I never got around to it. I haven’t been reading much the last few weeks.

Dr. Stevil: *slow bug blink to indicate disbelief and surprise*

KK: Like what?

Me: Well, the sims. And the chatting. [under breath] with boys.

KK: Ahhh… yes… boys.

Evildeb: What about the liquor?

Me: Oh, yeah, I forgot. Well, you can do either one of those while enjoying the liquor.

KK: Sometimes you can enjoy them more.

Evildeb: Liquor only adds to the enjoyment.

Dr. Stevil: Ok, boys and liquor are fine. But the sims and liquor, that’s dangerous.

KK and Me: *slow bug blinks to indicate disbelief and surprise*

Me: And … there is no danger of mixing boys and liquor? What?

Dr. Stevil: Well, you could really mess up your game.

Me: But… but… if you mess up with boys and liquor, that’s your life! Besides, in the sims you can always quit without saving. You can’t do that with a boy.

Dr. Stevil: No, I guess not… but you’ve invested so many hours in the game.

KK and Me: *look at each and wonder if Steve is serious.*

Me: Well, I usually save intermittently. Besides, if I truly fuck up a sim, I can just kill him and start over. You can’t do that with a boy.

Dr. Stevil: I suppose you are right.

Me: I am so going to blog this conversation.

KK: it says so right there on your shirt.

50 Word Fictions

Fifty Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 15

Look, I know it’s not anywhere near Friday here in Seattle, but it’s probably Friday on the East Coast. And I am tired, have meetings all morning tomorrow, so I’ll cheat on the time.

For various reasons, due to various chats and blogs, the theme this week is submission. Sassy! Doesn’t have to be sexual in nature, but I know some of you can’t resist. Mine is, so here is to hoping that the family stays away today.Bad boundaries! Maybe next week, we’ll do dominance?

Submissive: adjective – ready to conform to the authority or will of others; meekly obedient or passive.

He was surprised she was into this, surprised she let him get her into this position.

“I am not meek or passive. I don’t consider myself submissive,” she said to him, pulling on the silken ropes tied around her wrists. “I consider myself…. barely contained. Still want to play?”
