movies and tv

A good many dramatic situations begin with screaming

A very good friend of mine told me yesterday that he has not seen Barbarella. I find that hard to believe. How could you miss out on something this culturally important? I can still remember watching it for the first time, as a young girl, late late at night at my father’s house. On one of those cable channels. I thought it was the naughtiest thing ever. Absolutely deliciously naughty.

My friend says he’s not a Fonda fan, but … what does Jane Fonda have to do with it? Oh, sure, she stars in the movie, but that is incidental. The true stars are the costume and set designs. As well as the dialog. The fact that she is in it really is of no importance. How are you going to understand the origins of Duran Duran, if you do not see Barbarella? [although, I was more of an Adam and the Ants girl, myself, back in the 80’s] I actually live in fear that they will try to remake this movie. They’d ruin it. You don’t go trying to remake the Mona Lisa, do you? Well, there are replicates, but that’s not what I mean. You know what I mean.

Eventually, I hope to to rectify this, make sure that he gets a chance to see it. Oh sure, we might have to get him all liquored up before hand, but once he’s seen it, he’ll thank me for it. It’s so good, it makes the Mathmos vomit. Who’s with me here?


8 thoughts on “A good many dramatic situations begin with screaming

  1. Hi, Drink Jack was right, you’re an excellent writer! I saw Barbarella when I was a young boy and I felt naughty too. The part with the evil dolls with metal teeth chewing on Barbarella’s legs cracked me up.

  2. My husband described it much as you have when I told him I hadn’t seen it. He instantly pulled it out of his VHS collection and dusted it off like a precious relic recovered in an archeological dig. I watched it with him. I thought it was funny. I think I embarrased him with my lack of reverence.

  3. Jodi says:

    note to self: send payment to DrinkJack for compliments.
    i can’t believe you guys. Are we going to have to have some kind of retreat? where we take care of these things?
    sirtalksalot, you are well prepared for life, i can tell. those dolls freaked me out. how strategic were those rips and tears in her fishnet costume.
    christine, i don’t think it deserves reverence, per se…. it’s too goofy. 🙂

  4. Marie says:

    I’ve never seen it, either, though I’ve known about it, for years, and like the good little Durany, that I was, I did know that it was the source of their name.

  5. I knew it was the source of their name, but alas, even I haven’t seen it…
    I have seen “Where the Boys Aren’t” #’s 1-15, though.
    Does that count?
    (I was, and am, a Sh’mode man.)

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