
Amelia and the Phonetic Code

“What?! You are kidding me! Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot!”

Amelia: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Me: I don’t know….

Amelia: W T F

Me: Ohhh! What the Fuck. That must his way of saying “What the fuck?”

Amelia: Sierra! Hotel! Uniform! Tango!

Me: Uniform! Papa!

Amelia: hee! Uniform papa.

VERY IMPORTANT NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT: The monkee will be moving…. tomorrow!!

I do think I am moved to do a little dance!


5 thoughts on “Amelia and the Phonetic Code

  1. A little dance, like Tango? or Foxtrot? For the life of me, I have never heard of a Whiskey dance. Unless you talk about the dance where I sit on my ass at a bar and drink whiskey all night long. I got a gold medal for that shit.

  2. Jodi says:

    Lima Oscar Lima!
    oh, i am so NOT an LOL girl. I prefer to type out the noise of laughing. hahahaha! but from now own, i plan to type Lima Oscar Lima. And maybe Brava Romeo Bravo, as well, for when I have to be Alpha. Foxtrot. Kilo.

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