
She’s in my head, dude.. she’s in my BRAIN!

Earlier this afternoon, Evildeb sent out an email, alerting us that she had been broken.

Yep, I’m a broken woman.

It started on or around June 8 when I sent an impassioned plea to the …

ok, none of your business.

Then we talked to them about it.

Then we gave some feedback on it.

more nothing you need to know…

So, you can probably understand how it hurts me to see the following …

blah blah blah

If you need me you will find me under a tree in the courtyard weeping.


Being the concerned friend I am, I sent her a chat:

Jodi is it possible for me to paste you back together? with superglue?

Evildeb: no

Evildeb: well, maybe with the help of all the kings horses and all the kings men

Jodi: could all the kings horses and all the kings men put you

Jodi: oh

Jodi: my

Jodi: god

Evildeb: you scared me

Jodi: you scared me!!

Evildeb: I hate it when that happens

Evildeb: we have c.S.P

Jodi: csp?

Evildeb: Chat Sensory Perception


We do this all the time. Type the same thing to each other in chats. Really weird random things, as well. I’m wondering which one of use should be more concerned. Which one of us is in who’s brain? Exactly.


Amelia finds herself at a loss

“….. “

Amelia: Do you hear that?

Jodi: Hear what?

Amelia: the silence, coming from over there. I don’t hear a toadying sales pitch.

Jodi: I know! He’s gone, my brother.

Amelia: Gone?

Jodi: he’s moved. The monkee has been caged in an office and the door is shut.

Amelia: Shut up!

Jodi: Would I lie, my brother?

Amelia: No, my brother, about this you would not lie. Hmmm…. now what am I going to do?

Jodi: I don’t know. You want to learn javascript or something?

Amelia: Maybe. Hey… let’s talk about boys.

Jodi: Only if you have some secret divine boy understanding you care to share.

Amelia: Oh forget that, then. By the way, does that new guy behind you ever stop talking?

Jodi: sigh
