evildeb, work

Guess what we are about to do, here at my Place of Employement…

come one… guess! That’s right, we are having another party! It’s been a week, after all. This one is cool. It’s a 10 year anniversary party for someone and it’s off site. It’s a wine tasting party and, in the end, we each get to take a bottle of wine home with us. I know … I know… I live in some kind of dream world, but it’s true! Evildeb left early to work from home, so she is missing it. Now she is angry with me because I will not give her my bottle of wine. I have a party to go to on Saturday, and taking a bottle of wine with you is a very grown up thing to do, I’ve heard. So I’m keeping my booze. You go home early to snooze, you lose.

I can’t wait to sip wine and spit it out at someone. Spitting is fun!

evildeb, tshirts

Questions, Answers and Comments

1. I’m getting the t-shirt. Perhaps today, Tessa wants one as well. Consider it done, kids.

2. For Jack:

a. they rocked! we had a great time, more about that later. I only paid $20, so I definitely got my moneys worth.

b. see above comment about shirt.

c. I do not believe the widgets slow things down, they are pretty small aps. I was having a performance issue one day and tried turning them off… didn’t make any difference.

3. Parents of sticky and loud children: The kids were practically the highlight of the show, sticky or not. More on that later.

4. Christine and Lloyd, if it didn’t annoy Deb, it wouldn’t be any fun! By the way, the panda? “da panda is sweeping! hims paws are under hims little fuzzy head.”

5. Josh, get anything you want tattooed on your inner lip, you beautiful freak. [vegan? that’s just weird. vegans are weird] Speaking of which, you are freaking out the mom again, time for me to reassure her that you are ok, albeit strange. Also, not just your clothes, but any bedding you have will need to be washed. And all of your clothes. Everything.
