I was thinking...

I was thinking…

that I might not be the best fit for a corporate environment. Today I got a hot dog for lunch at this specific hole in the wall food stand, just so I could come back to work and say to everyone “Hey… you guys, look what I have for lunch! I got a wiener from the Fun Hole!!”

What do you think? Would you hire me?

evildeb, movies and tv

If it breaths, kill it.

I’m not much of a pc gamer, as you all well know. I’ve played some play station in my time, and enjoyed it very much. But there is one pc game I used to play, way back in my early computer days: Doom.

Naturally, I sucked. But once I learned the all weapons cheat, things evened up a bit. Lord I love me some plasma gun. But it’s not unsatisfying to use the chain saw on a baddie, either. Bloodthirsty? Sure…but you and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals.

In addition to loving cartoonish violence and plasma guns, Evildeb and I are both fans of The Rock. Unapologetically, with our tongues hanging out, hearts palpitating and knees weakened, fans of the Rock. He makes us swoon. So the combination of both Doom, and the Rock, in one glorious movie? Well, the Debil and I have just two words for you. Awwww yeah!

Good hunting, soldiers!
