
A box of tampons and some Marlboro lights.

I’m working from home today, as you can see, because I have a cold, but a long long list of things I am behind on. I’m enjoying the peace and quiet and heating vent right by where my feet rest, under the desk.

Last night, I was thinking about Christmas. How hectic it can be. How easily people lose their tempers and become intolerant to the fact that they exist in a world full of other people. It happens to me too. Especially in parking garages. But, I’m try to be patient and keep a sense of humor. Because the alternative is a lot of energy used in negative ways.

So, in an attempt to keep, and spread, the holiday spirit, I will post some of my favorite non-traditional Holiday songs, over the next few weeks, for everyone to enjoy. Today I give you “Merry Christmas From the Family” by Jill Sobule, one of your more realistic xmas songs.
