
All better…

I believe I have fixed my CSS issues in Firefox and IE for Windows. According to my crack team of beta testers, all looks as it should now.

Today was Super Casual Friday at work. Every day is casual day, so we had to step it up a notch. I wore my geek butt pants. Somebody said I needed to consult HR about them. I don’t know why… because they draw attention to my butt?


It has been brought to my attention…

That the new blog design does not look as it should in firefox, and even less like it should on IE for Windows….. should I even care about that? Guh. It looks fabulous in Safari, let me tell you what. Anyway, it’s not a new blog design if it goes perfectly, is it.

Paco and I got a pizza for lunch, and now people are raiding it. That last piece of pizza is MINE and I am taking it home for my dinner. Must go defend my food!

50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 36

Hello, today’s 50 Word Fiction theme is the last sin in our Seven Weeks of Sin theme – Evildeb’s favorite sin – Anger.

Anger Management

Through a haze of dog hair floating in the air, the boy looked at his parents, and then down tot he electric razor in his hand. The dog happily wagged his now bald rump.

“I’m sensing a lot of anger in this room. I probably need a time out, huh?”
