50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 44

Rain rain rain. Actually, it is currently not raining. But that is only temporary. We are supposed to have a big wind storm tonight. We are currently experiencing the calm that comes before. Last night I asked Christine what the theme should be today…. something positive. She suggested Sunshine. And let there be light.


Their faces red not from embarrassment, they passed the bottle of aloe back and forth. She felt bad, but how many times had she told them… warned them? They thought she was being cute, they didn’t take her seriously. They would now. She really was full of inner sunshine.


4 thoughts on “50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 44

  1. Standing in the paint aisle at Lowes, Lucy envisioned her own home, transformed into a tuscan villa by few cans of latex semi-gloss. It looked easy enough on The Home and Gardens Network.
    “Tomato Red, Grass Green and Sunshine Yellow?” Her Husband inquired. “Maybe you should just plant a garden.”

  2. The lights simulated sunshine perfectly and the hydroponic equipment hooked seemlesly into the underutilized water pipes in his basement. He kept his garden such a secret that it was only after he was busted with an enormous harvest of “herb” did Mr. and Mrs. Boyardee realize their son’s oregano problem.

  3. We sat on the beach, not saying a word, just listening to the waves crash. She leaned over and gently rested her head upon my shoulder, her arms wrapped around me. I felt her womanly warmth flow through me as the last rays of sunshine slipped below the horizon.

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